Friday, 30 October 2009

End of October reading panic!

I have had a sudden burst of reading! Admittedly, nothing heavy, challenging or thought provoking really, but I have found the energy to pick up my books and read.

Three books I have read have been about Take That- Take One and Take Two (they are mainly photos, but with commentary on the pictures by the band) and Mad about the Boys by Claire Blake-a woman who wins the lottery and spends the money following Gary Barlow-yes, really!

Then last night I picked up something that did affect me- Mother of the Bride by Ilene Beckerman. I don't know where I first heard about this book, but it had been in my little 'penguin books' wishlist journal for a long while. I got hold of it from a book mooch, and it just called out to me yesterday from the shelf. It really touched me-it is a book not so much about being Mother of the Bride as it is about being a Mother. Ilene seems to be on my wavelength, talking about how as parents we are always anticipating our children's next steps and then BOOM- they are all grown up. Yes, I am an emotional person anyway, but the way this lady writes about motherhood just really touched my heart. One part, near the end, really made me think. Paraphrased, it went along the lines of ' When my daughter was writing her wedding thank you cards, I thought of how she was the best gift I ever had. I never wrote to say thank you'. My little boy is my absolute world, and I am so thankful for him that it is untrue. I don't want him to grow up!

I have also caved today and bought two books off amazon-both in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. I think i should get shares in Kleenex....

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

October reads

Throughout October my reading has again been very slow (and also shamelessly trashy!). I did make an attempt at Rabbit, Run by John Updike, but it was a library book that needed to be returned so gave up on it-I haven't given up on it forever though, I think I might go back to it when I am in the right frame of mind. There is definitely something to be said for reading a book when it is what you feel like reading, rather than forcing yourself to read it.

I completed Girl Friday by Jane Green, which I enjoyed-very typical of her kind of book, but I enjoyed it more than I have some of her other recent ones.

I also read Cecelia Ahern's latest offering, The Book of Tomorrow, which again I found a good read. I like that her books are slightly fantastical, but not too 'out there'. As it was from a teenagers point of view too that won points with me.

Other than that I am reading India Knight's shopping book, which is interesting-I like getting hints about shops where they have excellent products, customer service and where I should be buying from online.

Other book news is that a work mate and I have started a work book group-our first chosen book is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron, which I think I am going to love devouring-set in Barcelona, so I will have plenty of opportunity to daydream! We aren't planning to have our first meeting until December, so I have time to savour it.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Bad blogger!

I am a bad blogger-and infact a bad reader too of late. I haven't done very much reading at all. Throughout September I only managed three books- Further Confessions of Georgia Nicholson by Louise Rennison (a teen book), Wuthering Heights-Emily Bronte and Dear Aubrey by Suzanne Lafleur. I have also been reading Jane Green's most recent book, 'Girl Friday' which I got out of the library. I have been really distracted as I had an audition for Countdown, am revising for a music exam, started Spanish classes and am now back at work.

Had the most lovely afternoon in Haworth at the Bronte Parsonage Museum. It is such a beautiful village and it is quite eerie that you can see the sofa Emily died on and the room Charlotte died in!